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Shoyeido’s Zen Incense is an ideal companion for meditation, quiet reflection, or simply to scent a large room. Each 13-inch stick is three times thicker than our other stick incense, with a two-hour burning time. Many customers use them as time-keeping tools for meditation, or even for outdoor gatherings. No wooden cores means you’ll enjoy three subtle, natural, extruded fragrances — without needless filler.

  • Sitting Zen
    Sitting Zen is a perfect companion for meditation and quiet reflection.
    A calming blend of sandalwood, clove and cinnamon provides a respectful, unobtrusive atmosphere.
  • Morning Zen
    Greet each new day with a stick of Morning Zen incense.
    Sandalwood, cinnamon, clove, and an array of fine spices comprise this fresh fragrance.
  • Evening Zen
    Evening Zen incense is a reliable companion at a busy day’s end: light a stick and drift into the late hours.

    Sandalwood, patchouli, clove and benzoin are combined in perfect proportions, making Evening Zen the beloved fragrance of many incense fans.

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All three Zen Incense Bundle, Evening Zen, Morning Zen, Sitting Zen

Note: We supply all of the raw ingredients you need to make your own herbal teas, blends, incenses, etc. They are not packaged with instructions. By selling them in this simple format we can provide them to you at the best possible price. Please reference this page for any instructions. If in doubt, feel free to Contact Us.